
I am an Engineering Science - Machine Intelligence student at the University of Toronto, with a strong interest in distributed systems, machine learning, cloud computing and software infrastructure
University of Toronto
2018 - Present
Toronto ON
Bachelor of Applied Science, Engineering Science - Machine Intelligence + PEYBayview Glen
Toronto ON
Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD)Previous Experience
IBM Global Business Services
Software Engineering Intern
May 2021-Present
- Developed software tooling that aids software engineers in creating Kafka Streams applications as well as managing and monitoring the CICD pipeline
- Designed performance tests to measure differences between Redpanda and Confluent. The testing consisted of producing producing 350GB of data to each system, adding and removing brokers and recording 14 performance metrics
- Collaborated with a team of 5 full time employees and 6 rotating interns. This involved engaging in technical documentation, reviewing and creating Pull Requests and managing issue tickets
Quantitative Impact Investment Club
Director of Quantitative Equity Research
August 2020-May 2021
- Instructed and coordinated a team of 4 analysts on the principles of programming, finance, and machine learning
- Designed and led the development of quantitative investing Python library for investment strategy synthesis and back-testing. The library utilizes seaborn for visualization, TensorFlow for machine learning, and pandas for statistical operations.
- Organized a large dynamic GitHub repository, creating and assigning tasks to team members while also regulating code documentation procedure
Krembil Research Institute
Data Science Research Student
May 2019 - August 2019
- Collaborated with computer and data scientists to research and compile over 20 cancer identifying genomes for future research projects and analyses
- Analyzed and aggregated 50GB of data from multiple cancer genomics databases using R, creating an aggregated data set of correlations
- Reviewed 15 papers of the modern literature surrounding gene related drug failures, drafting an annotated report of the assessment
Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
Research Student / Software Development
June 2017- September 2017
June 2018- September 2018
- Designed and developed the mobile application for the HERO stroke rehabilitation robot
- Utilized knowledge in XML for the user interface, Java for the functional end of mobile app and C++ for understanding and modify the robot’s code
- Created online database for user data as well as utilizing node.js to create an automatic email updater for therapists and users
Research and Publications
Creating Credit A Card Processor with Apache Ignite and Kafka
Apache Ignite Summit - Lightning Talk
First Impressions of Redpanda
Myoelectric Untethered Robotic Glove Enhances Hand Function and Performance on Daily Living Tasks after Stroke
Journal of Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies Engineering
Distributed Calculator
July 2022 – Present
- Designed a distributed architecture from scratch to process algebraic expressions in Go
- Developed a parser using the Shunting Yard algorithm to convert infix expressions to binary trees
- Coordinated the RPC communication structure of several instances of the program to process operations in parallel
Ghostwriter - Short Story Aid
September 2020 – December 2020
- Brainstormed and established the design for a GPT-2 based short-story continuation generator
- Curated 60 short-store data sources for training our model, as well as creating a prepossessing pipeline to convert text sources to training,validation and testing slices
- Developed scripts to generate quantitative evaluations ratings including BLEU, ROUGE and Cosine Similarity scores
SmartFin - Stock market Dashboard
June 2020 – September 2020
- Designed and trained a Tensorflow neural network by researching relevant network architecture for multivariate time series forecasting, creating a method to predict future financial security prices from analyzing their relative movement to a cluster of 30 curated stocks
- Developed a Python library to allow for the pre-processing, plotting and persisting of the historical and projected security values
- Created a web app using the Flask framework to design a REST API in conjecture with MongoDB to allow for the neural network and libraries to be publicly usable
HERO stroke rehabilitation robot
June 2017 - September 2018
- Designed and developed an Android application for the HERO stroke rehabilitation robot using the Android SDK, Java and Bluetooth 4.0 for control and user data relay, giving patients 20% faster response time in controlling the robot
- Integrated an online database using Google Firebase to collect user metrics to provide point of care data for therapists
For any inquiries or questions about any of the work I have done or about myself email me at daniel.rossos(at)mail.utoronto.ca or just approach me on campus if you see me running from class to class